Premium Website Hosting

$39.95 / month

Premium Website Hosting includes:

  • Your own WordPress hosting (you own the site). Secure Your Content from big-tech!
  • Capacity for just about any website structure you want, at a very competitive price.
  • Ecommerce shop and cart compatible with a wide variety of payment processors.
  • A huge variety of easy and advanced marketing tools and options.
  • Dozens of premium licensed, integrated tools and plug-ins: over $8,500 worth, at last count.
  • Premium drag & drop page designer.

This is a premium WordPress-based hosting subscription service, including all the premium licensed plugins and options I could cram in: over $8,500 worth and counting. It's been developed for use for my own sites and those of my clients. It's exactly the platform I use every day for my businesses.

Note: If you are a member of the SocialGalactic community, you qualify for a special discount. If you're not on SocialGalactic, it's still a great deal!

  • The website hosting service is a monthly subscription, which includes WordPress admin access to your website, which I'll pre-configure to match your needs.
  • All of our sites come with a huge catalog of features, plugins, and extensions: more than $8,500 worth. Just activate and use the features you need. Unlike other websites and ecommerce platforms, I do not charge extra for access to these features.
  • Your website is yours, not part of a marketplace or community. If you run a shop on your site, it is yours; its revenue goes to you.
  •  Build whatever type of site you need and add features from the catalog when you choose. You can build anything from a simple blog to an ecommerce shop (based on WooCommerce). Add a subscription or membership component or activate the learning management system if that fits your needs.
  • Available web shop components include a sales funnel-framework with customizable upsells, downsells, and order bumps. You can even activate the affiliate marketing system to handle commissions for other merchants who sell your products.
  • Use the support desk tools to manage customer satisfaction.
  • Show advertising on your site when and where you want. For example, you can place text or banner ads in a slide-in module or insert ads automatically in blog articles.

Sounds Good! How Do I Get Started?

  1. Use the Buy Now button on this page to proceed to the checkout process. I can't start provisioning without an order. Use an email address you have access to!
  2. I'll send you an email to arrange your site configuration and provisioning, almost always within 24 hours.
  3. Coordinate with us by email. Each website owner has unique requirements and I'll help you get started with the features you need activated.
  4. I'll need to know the domain name you'll use.
  5. I'll need to know your initial and longer-term plans in order to activate the most useful features and help plan for future additions.
  6. Transferring content or products from another platform? It's usually possible, although that's a more involved process than starting up a new site.
  7. More features can be added, but turning on stuff you don't need at first just leads to overwhelm, even for experienced users.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, I'm happy to help. You can send send an email to [email protected].


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